Sunday, November 16, 2008

stayed off the wagon for a while I am up to 47 pounds. Here was my mindset this past month sweets sweets and more sweets my refrigerator was not stocked with what I needed for my diet so when that happens it is kind of hard to stick with it. so I would tell myself to just eat whatever you want and that's exactly what I did which mostly consisted of goodies. but now I have restocked my fridge with everything that I need to get back on track so it is time to grab the bull by the horns and take control again. Today is day 1 of my restart of my diet. and get rid of those sweets.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Friday, October 17, 2008

I fell off the wagon for almost 2 weeks, I had my Gallbladder removed on October 3rd and after that The thought of eating whatever I wanted without going through a gallbladder attack was quite exciting to me so that is exactly what I did. I ate anything I wanted for 13 days and gained a whopping 8 to 10 pounds back :( I started feeling so much like a failure and in my mind it is telling me that I look exactly like I did at 305 I was feeling nasty and fat oh and I was getting worried that I was not going to fit into my bridesmaids dress that I bought in a size 18 that I have to wear at the wedding that will be here Nov 8th in 3weeks. So I am starting the induction phase of my old faithful low carb diet today and will be in induction for 2 weeks just like I am suppose to. That should drop the weight that I gained back by then. Then I will go into the ongoing weight loss after week 2 which should bring me down a few more pounds in time for the wedding. By the wedding I will be in my 220's which will be great for me :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

September weigh in 231

Yes I lost 14 pounds this month I am down to 231 that is a total weight loss of 74 pounds I am loving it. :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I have had a bit of a rough month health wise, I truly hope it does not have to do with my diet because I love low carbing. Within the past few month I have had a few really bad gallbladder attacks. I know why this last one happened and it was all my fault. a few weeks ago I was getting frustrated because of my stall that I decided to completely go off of the plan for a few days so I can restart it again and hopefully get the weight loss under control again. But my problem was when I got off of it I had lots of JUNK food. I had many hostess ding dong's and some good cookies and I just went crazy eating whatever I wanted. Well I believe by doing that caused me to have my worst gallbladder attack ever. I went to the Hospital to find out that I had gallbladder disease and pancreatitius it was bad I had to stay in the hospital for a few days to get the infections down. They have set up for me to have my Gallbladder removed on October 3rd but my Surgeon told me that in the meantime that I HAVE to eat low fat I was like I have been lowcarbing for so long that I have NO IDEA how to eat low fat. But I had to do it or I could have another attack. So I decided to get a bunch of lean cuisine meals because I saw on the box that there was not much fat in there, and I got some I cant believe it's not butter spray to put on my toast in the mornings and I bought some banana's and fruits I figure if I eat like that then I should be fine. which so far is working good for me. I told my Surgeon about my low carb diet and amazingly she said she thinks the low carb diet is a great diet and after my surgery she thinks that it will be perfectly fine to go back on it. I was so excited about that.

anyway Today I feel awesome I feel invincible I am losing weight doing my temporary low fat thing just as well as I have been losing low carb. I am now down to 234 pounds No more stalls and I can now cross my leggs lol, I know it sounds silly to be excited about crossing my leggs but I wasn't able to do that comfortably EVER that I can remember. so YAY me. I have lost a total of 71 pounds this year and I feel wonderful it is such an amazing feeling of accomplishment. I am getting so much closer to a 100 pounds loss every day. Everyone around me says I am disappearing. I am going to be skinny again one day and that is a reality to me now instead of a dream. I cant wait until that day that I can go shopping for regular clothes in any store that I go into. This is just wonderful I am so proud of myself.

Also, my bridesmaid dress came in it is a size 18 it is a little tight but I got it to zip all of the way up :) it wont be as tight on the wedding

Monday, August 25, 2008

August weigh in 245

Weigh in day. I am 245 that is 60 pounds gone. Yay :)

well it is not as much as I thought it was going to be, but I still think that losing something is better than losing nothing 7 pounds lost in a month is not that bad. I would have lost more but I hit that stall for a few weeks I guess those things are going to happen from time to time. I am going to shoot for 10 pounds less by Sept 25th

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008


The fat fast worked I am now down to 245 that is 60 pounds gone. YAY. Well my monthly visitor is here so no more weighing myself until the 25th maybe I will hit my mini goal we will see. :)

Friday, August 15, 2008


Well I always post the success but I guess with success sometimes comes struggle. So here goes the struggle.
3 weeks ago I was down to 252 I was very excited I went from a size 28 dress to a 22 and some I fit into a 20, the bridesmaids dress that I ordered for the wedding was a size 18 with hopes that I will fit into it by the time it gets here in the second week of September. Well during the last 3 weeks I hit a stall. Which is driving me crazy. and yesterday I was at 252 again grrr I am sticking with the program and have no desire to fall off the wagon, so I have decided to go on a 1000 calorie almost no carb fat fast I started yesterday and I am down 2 pounds this morning. They say that the fat fast is hard to do but so far it is ok with me. I don't think that I am suppose to be on it very long, just a few days to get things jump started again. My problem is that I think that this way of eating is fine to me and I may end up stuck on it to keep losing weight faster which is supposedly unhealthy to stay on for more than a few days. I still have until august 25th for the official weigh in so lets see where I am then.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Friday, July 25, 2008

It is weigh in day, and I have broke the 50 pound mark plus a little more. I now weight 252 that is 53 pounds gone forever, I cant believe it. Never in my life have I ever thought that I could lose this much weight. I am so proud of myself. I have clothes that are literally falling off of me, I really need to get a new wardrobe soon. Luckily I have a few pieces of clothes that were in my dresser for years that were way too small for me that I can fit into now. I just need to go donate the clothes that are too big for me because I do not anticipate that I will fit into them ever again. I will post updated photo's and measurements this weekend. I have been off a pound or 2 each prediction but that is ok I am still quite successful, lets see if I can reach 239 by next weigh in on August 25th.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I know I still have 2 days to go still but I had to make a note. Today marks the day where I start to notice the difference in pictures before my weight loss. I was just looking at some photo's on my myspace and I am ready to delete most of them because I am just completely disgusted with how I look in them. I know I still have a long way to go but I have also come a long way. I am so glad that I am sticking to this because I will never be that big ever again. It is an eye opener.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

It is June 25th I have been doing good, I didn't lose 15 pounds this month but I did come close I lost 12 pounds and I will take it. So that brings me down to a total weight loss so far of 42 pounds gone forever :) :) :) :) I have been trying to walk every day for at least 30 minutes. I might soon change that to 45 minutes. I am going to need to start buying some new pants and shorts, mine are practically falling off, I will wait until my 50 pound loss and then I will treat myself to some new clothes.
12 pounds sounds reasonable for a monthly weight loss, so my next mini goal will be to lose another 12 pounds by July 25th. which will bring me down to 251, aw heck I will try to make it 13 pounds so I can bring it down to 250 that sounds much better. :) I will post some new body measurements next month also.

I want to thank everyone for their support along my long road to skinny, I still have a long way to go but I know that I can do it!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

It has been a while since I wrote in here because I have not done much since I hurt my foot as far as working out at the gym. but shortly after that I did get a job as a preschool photographer. which is a very active job and earlier this month I started low carbing. watching my sugar and carb intake. I do not have a scale at home but I went to a store that has a scale and I weighed 275 so that is awesome, I have lost 30 pounds so far and almost all of that has come off since I started low carbing. I am also going to start going back to the gym on Tuesday on a regular basis and I will not weigh myself again for a month. I don't like to weigh in too often because I don't want to get bummed out if I don't lose a certain week so I will do it monthly, it is so much more exciting to step on the scale with a great weight loss then to see 1 or 2 pounds here and there.

With my 30 pound loss I have noticed that my clothes are getting to big for me, especially my pants and shorts which is a wonderful feeling. I am also starting to fit into some clothes that were to small for me. And my Husband Jeff said that my Butt is getting smaller :) :) :)
I know that I have a very long way to go and I am totally up for the challenge. my next mini goal is to lose at least 15 more pounds by June 25th I have a good feeling that I can do it. that will bring me down to 260 which will be a total loss of 45 pounds oh yea baby, I know I can do it..

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Well last Wednesday while I was doing my water aerobics I tore a tendon in the arch area of the bottom of my foot. It was very painful. I went to the foot Dr. a few days later and he said I do not need surgery (thank God) I originally had a foot problem called plantar faciatis that I have had for over a year and last summer the Dr gave me that cortizone steroid shot that took the pain away but the pain started to come back and then SNAP in the pool while excersing. The reason why I bring up my plantar faciatis is because my Dr told me that by tearing the tendon on my own I just prevented myself from having surgery for getting rid of my plantar faciatis. because that is what they do is tear a tendon to relieve plantar faciatis. Imagine that, He put me in a fracture boot and the pain should go away in 2 weeks. He gave me some steroid anti inflammatory It is beginning to go away now but still there. So I haven't been to the gym since. I did have an appointment with the personal trainer for tomorrow and I think that I am still going to go there. They are going to see what kinds of things I can do while my foot is still healing. I have not been doing good with my eating. I will have to slap myself on the hand and get back on track.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

ok well today is the first official day of my weight loss journey, I was measured today, and here goes the very embarrassing details of my measurements, This is very difficult posting this for everyone to see but hopefully these numbers that I write today will be the last time they will ever be this high.
Here goes.

Weight 305
54 3/4
59 3/4
23 1/4

Body Fat

At the gym today I did core training and I rode the bike for 30 min.

Tomorrow Morning I plan to ride the bike for 15-20 min and then do the water aerobics, That is pretty much what I will do for the remainder of the week.

I Have also decided to use fitday at that way I can enter everything that I do from what I eat and drink to what I do to work out, and that will calculate all of my fat carb protine, calorie, intake and approx what kind of calories that I have burned that day. It is a good tool and that will help me pay attention to what I eat and I can make adjustments if I am going overboard.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My Weight Loss Journey

Ok there is no secret that I am terribly overweight and I have not done anything about it for a long time, Well I am tierd of being this way, I have become very lazy and although my doctors say that I am pretty healthy I am sure that will change soon if I don't do something about it now. I am already having some signs of diabetes, which is something that I had when I was pregnant with sheridan, There will be some times durring the day when I havent eaten in a while I will start feeling shakey from the inside out, and get very lightheaded, but after I eat something that feeling will go away right away. I am always having pains in my back and my liver is begining to have a tiny bit of problems, and I have been suffering from plantar faciatis which is kinda like a heel spur for over a year I did get a cortizone shot for it that took the pain away for about 6 months but it is coming back again in full force. I have not had any in depth checkups of diabetes but I am at great risk. I know that I am a beautiful person, but I dont want to be FAT anymore actually the technical term is Morbidly obese. I Joined the gym last week and I have been going already, doing water aerobics which is something that I love to do. This Tuesday evening I will be meeting with my personal trainer and he will be giving me all of the gorey details of my sizes, weight, and body fat. As terrifying as it is I am going to make that info public in this blog. As ridiculous as this may sound, I have decided that I will NOT be going on a diet. because with past experiences diets simply do not work. What I am going to do as far as eating is everything in moderation and cut back on sugar and sweets. I am just going to eat anything that I want but I am going to pay more attention to what I am putting into my mouth, I am going to do portion control, I am going to chew my food longer and I am going to use smaller plates, and not go back for seconds. I am going to try to eat till I am satisfied and not until I am full. and I am not going to eat after 9pm which is a reasonable time since I stay up pretty late. I am going to try that way of eating for a month and see how that works our for me, and if I need to make adjustments at that time I will. And of course I will be going to the gym and working out almost every day. I have not weighed myself lately but I know that I am very close to 300 pounds My long term goal weight is to be 145 pounds. but for now I have a goal to lose at least 100 pounds by November 8th because that is when one of my best friends is going to be getting married and I am one of her bridesmaids. and I want the photos that she will cherish forever to have 8 beautiful bridesmaids in it and not 7 and a fat girl. I am not one to be healthier for myself so she has given me motivation to start this journey. I have posted a pic of how I look now and will post progress pics as they come. I am asking for all of the support that I can get to help me with my journey. I will be posting again Tuesday evening with my gorey details of my sizes and update how I am doing.