Friday, August 15, 2008


Well I always post the success but I guess with success sometimes comes struggle. So here goes the struggle.
3 weeks ago I was down to 252 I was very excited I went from a size 28 dress to a 22 and some I fit into a 20, the bridesmaids dress that I ordered for the wedding was a size 18 with hopes that I will fit into it by the time it gets here in the second week of September. Well during the last 3 weeks I hit a stall. Which is driving me crazy. and yesterday I was at 252 again grrr I am sticking with the program and have no desire to fall off the wagon, so I have decided to go on a 1000 calorie almost no carb fat fast I started yesterday and I am down 2 pounds this morning. They say that the fat fast is hard to do but so far it is ok with me. I don't think that I am suppose to be on it very long, just a few days to get things jump started again. My problem is that I think that this way of eating is fine to me and I may end up stuck on it to keep losing weight faster which is supposedly unhealthy to stay on for more than a few days. I still have until august 25th for the official weigh in so lets see where I am then.

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